- 2023/2025: EPITHETS - Explaining Pejoratives In THeoretical and Experimental TermS. P.I.: Filippo Domaneschi – Project financed by the “MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research” within the program PRIN. Total financing: 227.544 Euros.
- 2018/2020: Presuppositions and Cognitive Functions, Principal Investigator: Filippo Domaneschi – Project financed by the University of Genoa (Italy) within the program Curiosity Driven. Total financing: 42.467.7 Euros.
- 2015/2018: EXPRESS – Experimenting on Presuppositions, Principal Investigator: Filippo Domaneschi – Project financed by the “MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research” within the program SIR – Scientific Independence of Young Researchers 2014. Total financing: 350.537 Euros.
- 2014/2016: BiasQ: Bias in Polar Questions, Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Bettina Braun, Prof. Dr. Maribel Romero (Universität Konstanz).
- 2015: Certainty and Uncertainty in Biomedical Scientific Communication, – PRIN – Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, PI: Prof.ssa Claudia Caffi (University of Genoa).
- 2007: Truth and context – PRIN – Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, Principal Investigator Prof. Diego Marconi (University of Turin).
- 2013: Ph.D in Philosophy. Field: Language Cognitive Science. University of Genoa - Genoa (Italy).
- 2024: Habilitation as Full Professor in Glottology and Linguistics: S.C. 10/G1
- 2018: Habilitation as Full Professor in Philosophy of Language: S.C. 11/C4
- 2015/2018: Director of the Laboratory of Psychology of Language – DISFOR – University of Genoa.