- Domaneschi F., D'Agruma N., Vignolo M., Ronderos R. C. (2025), Eye-tracking evidence for the causal-historical theory of reference, Linguistics and Philosophy, xxx, xx. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Cepollaro B., Stojanovic I. (2025), Literally "a jerk". An experimental investigation of expressives in predicative position, Language and Cognition, 17:e13. [link]
- Cersosimo R., Domaneschi F., Cancer A. (2025), The impact of metaphors on academic text comprehension:the case of students with dyslexia, Dyslexia, 31(1), e1796. [link]
- Cersosimo, R., Engelhardt, P. E., Fernandez, L., & Domaneschi, F. (2025). Novel metaphor processing in dyslexia: a visual world eye-tracking study. Discourse Processes, 1–21. [link]
- Giunta G., Domaneschi F., Mazzarella D. (2024), Are presuppositions really misleading? Assessing the impact of linguistic encoding, at-issueness, and source reliability on epistemic vigilance, Mind and Language, xxx, xx. [link]
- Domaneschi F. Ronderos R. C (2024), "Expressivity in Psycholinguistics". In: Daniel Gutzmann and Katharina Turgay, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expressivity in Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Chapter] (Forthcoming) [link]
- Baraldi, M., Domaneschi, F. (2024), Pragmatic skills in late adulthood, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 53, 20. [link]
- Cersosimo R., Domaneschi F., Al-Azary H. (2024), Automatic metaphor processing in developmental dyslexia, Journal of Communication Disorders, 111, xx. [link]
- Bambini, V., Domaneschi, F. (2024), Twenty years of experimental pragmatics. New advances in scalar implicature and metaphor processing, Cognition, xxx, pp. xxx-xxx [link]
- Domaneschi, F. (2023), Espressivi Negativi. Un'analisi semantica, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, LIV, 1/2, pp. 179-204 [link]
- Croce M., Domaneschi, F., Vaccarezza MS. (2023), Civil Deliberation Unpacked: An Experimental Investigation, Journal of Media Ethics, xxx, pp. xxx-xxx [link]
- Ronderos, C.R, Domaneschi, F. (2023), Anticipating the Damn Referent: How Comprehenders Rapidly Retrieve the Speaker's Attitude When Processing Negative Expressive Adjectives, Cognitive Science, 47: e13295 [link]
- Barbero C., Domaneschi F., Enrici I., Voltolini A. (2023) “What is Existence? A Matter of Co(n)text”, Acta Analytica, xx, xxx-xxx. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Poggi F., Marocchini E. (2023) “When Lawyers Are More Logical Than Ordinary Speakers and When They Are Not. An Empirical Enquiry into Laypersons’ and Legal Experts’ Understanding of Pragmatic Meanings”, Language and Law, 11, 121-141. [link]
- Marocchini E.,. Domaneschi F. (2022) “Can you read my mind?” Conventionalized indirect requests and Theory of Mind abilities”, Journal of Pragmatics, xxx. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S., Pouscoulous N. (2022) “The Development of Presupposition: Pre-schoolers’ understanding of regret and too”, Intercultural Pragmatics, xxx. [link]
- Reinecke R., Fossard M., Di Paola S., Domaneschi F. (2022) “Presupposition processing declines with age”, Cognitive Processing, xxx. [link]
- Vignolo. M, Domaneschi F. (2021) “Intuitions on Semantic Reference”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology, xxx. [link]
- Panzeri F., Di Paola S., Domaneschi F. (2021) “Does the COVID-19 war metaphor influence reasoning?”, PlosOne, 16(4): e0250651. [link]
- Marocchini E., Di Paola S., Mazzaggio G., Domaneschi F., (2021) “Understanding Indirect Requests for Information in High-Functioning Autism”, Cognitive Processing, xxx, pp. xx-xx. [link]
- Baraldi M., Avanzino L., Pelosin E., Domaneschi F., Di Paola S., Lagravinese G. (2021) “Pragmatic abilities in early Parkinson's disease”, Brain and Cognition, 150, pp. xx-xx. [link]
- Cepollaro B., Stojanovic I., Domaneschi F. (2020) “When Is It OK to Call Someone a Jerk? An experimental investigation of expressives”, Synthese, pp. xx-xx. [link]
- Domaneschi., Bambini V. (2020) “Pragmatic Competence”, in Pavese C. & Fridland E. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Skill and Expertise, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Domaneschi F., M. Vignolo (2019) “Reference and the ambiguity of truth-value judgments”, Mind & Language, pp. 1-16. [link]
- Di Paola S. Domaneschi F., Pouscoulous N. (2019), "Metaphorical developing minds: The role of multiple factors in the development of metaphor comprehension". Journal of Pragmatics, xx, xxx-xxx. [link]
- Ebersole, C. R., Andrighetto, L., Casini, E., Chiorri, C., Rosa, A. D., Domaneschi, F., Ferguson, I., Fryberger, E., Giacomantonio, M., Grahe, J., Joy-Gaba, J., Langford, E. V., Nichols, A. L., Panno, A., Parks, K. P., Preti, E., Richetin, J., & Vianell, M.. (2019). Many Labs 5: Registered Replication Report of Payne, Burkley, & Stokes (2008), Study 4. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, xx, xxx-xxx. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S. (2019), “The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions”, Journal of Pragmatics, 140, pp. 70-87. [link]
- Balletta S., Domaneschi F. (2019) “Predication and Cognitive Context: Between Minimalism and Contextualism”, Ratio, pp. 1-10. [link]
- Balostro S., Domaneschi F., Frixione F. (2019) “Giudizi deontici e pragmatica nel selection task”, Sistemi Intelligenti, XXXI, 1, pp. 173-188.
- Domaneschi F., De Vita L., Di Paola S (2019) “La pragmatica di :-) e :-(. Quando e quanto usiamo le emoticon su WhatsApp”, Sistemi Intelligenti, 3, 553-570. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Canal P., Masia V., Vallauri Lombardi E., Bambini V. (2018) “N400 and P600 modulation in presupposition accommodation: the effect of different trigger types”, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 45, 13-35. [link]
- Mazzarella D., Domaneschi F.. (2018) “Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication”, Journal of Pragmatics, 138, pp. 17-29. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Passarelli M., Andrighetto L. (2018) “Performing orders: Speech acts, Facial Expressions and Gender Bias”, Journal of Cognition and Culture, 18, pp. 360-374. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S. (2018), “Relevance and non-factive knowledge attributions”, Acta Analytica, 1-33. [link]
- Domaneschi F., M. Vignolo, S. Di Paola (2017) “Testing the Causal Theory of Reference”, Cognition, 161, pp. 1-9. [link]
- Domaneschi F., M. Romero, B. Braun (2017) “Bias in Polar Questions. Evidence from English and German production experiments”, Glossa, 2(1), 23. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Vignolo M. (2017) “Referential intuitions are still problematic”, Analysis, 148, pp. 1-12. [link]
- Domaneschi F., M. Passarelli, C. Chiorri (2017) “Facial Expressions and Speech Acts. Experimental evidences on the role of the Upper Face as an Illocutionary Force Indicating Device in Language Comprehension”, Cognitive Processing, (18) 3, pp. 285-306. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S. (2017) “The Processing Costs of Presupposition Accommodation”, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, pp. 1-21. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Bambini V. (2017) “Behavioral and Neural Evidence on Pragmatic Processing”, Frontiers in Psychology, 1. doi: 10.3389/conf.fpsyg.2017.71.00001 [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S. (2017) “The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions”, Frontiers in Psychology, 1. doi: 10.3389/conf.fpsyg.2017.71.00013 [link]
- Domaneschi F., Di Paola S. (2017), “The Cost of Context Repair: Presupposition Accommodation” (with S. Di Paola), CEUR-Proceedings of the Workshop on Contexts in Philosophy – Paris, June, 20, 2017, Vol-1845, urn:nbn:de:0074-1845-7, pp. 36-47. [link]
- Romero M., Arnhold A., Braun B. & Domaneschi F. (2017) “Negative Polar Question Types in English”, NELS 47, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society, x, pp. xx-xx. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Pistoia-Reda S. (2017)“Theoretical and experimental perspectives on meaning and communication”, in Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and Presuppositions (eds. with Pistoia-Reda S.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 1-10. [link]
- Domaneschi F., M. Passarelli, C. Chiorri (2017), “Facial Expressions and Speech Acts”, CEUR-Proceedings of the AIC 2016 – Artificial Intelligence and Cognition 2016 – New York City, NY, USA, July 16-17, 2016, Vol-1895, urn:nbn:de:0074-1895-0, pp. 73-80. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Penco C. (2017), “Presupposizioni”, APHEX, Portale Italiano di Filosofia Analitica, 15, pp. 1-63. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Carrea E., Penco C., Greco A. (2016) “Selecting presuppositions in conditional clauses. Results from a psycholinguistic experiment”, Frontiers in Psychology, 6, pp. 2026-2036. [link]
- Domaneschi F. (2016) “Presuppositions: philosophy, linguistics and psychology”, Topoi, 30(1):5, 5-8.[link]
- Domaneschi F., Carrea E. (2015) “Istruzioni semantiche di aggiornamento del contesto: gli attivatori presupposizionali”, Sistemi Intelligenti, 2, 303-322. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Penco C. (2015) “Semiotics’ internal conflict. The role of pragmatic processing in the constitution of meaning” , Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 9(1), 215-231.[link
- Domaneschi F., Carrea E., Penco C., Greco A. (2014) “The cognitive load of presupposition triggers. Mandatory and optional repairs in presupposition failure”, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29 (1), pp. 136-146. [link]
- Domaneschi F., Carrea E., Penco C., Greco A. (2014) “Propositional attitudes towards presuppositions. An experimental approach”, Pragmatics and Cognition, 22:3, 291–309. [link]
- Domaneschi F., (2013) “Pragmatic Presuppositions: a psycholinguistic approach”, Epistemologia, XXXVI, pp. 81-99. [link]
- Domaneschi F. (2013) “Scambi di Sensi e Comprensione Metaforica”, Rivista di Estetica, 53, 2, LIII. [link]
- Domaneschi F. (2012) “Presuppositions and appropriateness of assertions”, Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 7(2), pp. 205-222. [link]
- Domaneschi F. (2011) “Towards a normative epistemic account of presuppositions”, Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 15, pp. 3822-3831. [link]
Under Submission
- Voltolini A., Barbero C., Enrici I. Domaneschi F., (work in progress), “Ficta and their Properties: a Matter of Co(n)text”.
- Vaccarezza MS., Domaneschi F. (submitted). “Expressing virtue-oriented and talent-oriented admiration. An experimental investigation”.