TALKS (Selected)
[INVITED SPEAKER] "The dark side of language. Slurs and context", John Cabot University, 5 Feb 2025, Rome (Italy).
[INVITED SPEAKER] "Expressive and descriptive content in ad-nominal constructions", Workshop Expressive galore!, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 16 Dec 2024, Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany)
"Expressive Content Across Syntactic Realizations", IGG - Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, IUSS, Pavia, 21-23 February 2024, Pavia (italy)
"Anticipating the f***ing referent: An eye-tracking study on the role of Italian expressive adjectives during sentence comprehension", 10th biennial meeting of Experimental pragmatics, 20-22 September 2023, Université Paris Cité, Paris (France).
"Processing negative expressive adjectives", AMLAP - Architecture and Mechanism of Language Processing, 31 August -2 September 2023, San Sebastian, Spain.
"Pejoratives in language comprehension", Slurring terms across languages (STAL-2023), Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
"Anticipating the f***ing referent", 18th AISC Conference, ROvereto (Italy), 15 December 2022.
[INVITED SPEAKER] "How to Express Expressive Content", Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Oslo (Norwey), 5 Dec 2022
[KEYNOTE SPEAKER] "Comprendere i maledetti espressivi", XXII Congresso Internazionale AITLA - Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, University of Naples L'Orientale & University of Naples Federico II, February 9-11, 2022 postponed to 4-6 May 2022
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the semantics of negative expressives, 47° IGG - Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Università di Catania, Catania, Italia.
"Predicting the f***ing word: an eye-tracking study on negative expressive adjectives", ELM - Experiments in linguistic Meaning - 18-20 March, UPenn (USA).
"Scatolinguistica: epiteti, intenzioni e contesto" , Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo (Italy), 8 Oct 2021.
"The semantics of negative expressives" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), Moscow HSE Pragmatics Workshop, 31 Sept/1 Oct 2021.
"The semantics of negative expressives. Experimental data" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), 1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference, 15 June 2021.
"Understanding Indirect Requests" (with. E. Marocchini), Workshop on Context 2021, 18 June 2021.
"Expressive content. An experimental study" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), Pragmasophia, Noto (Italy) 13-16 June 2021.
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the semantics of negative expressives" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), XPRAG Wine Gathering Seminar – Hosts: Nicole Gotzner (University of Potsdam) & Ira Noveck, (Université de Paris CNRS), 10 June 2021.
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the meaning of expressive and evaluative terms" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), GLIF Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain/Catalonia), 18 february 2021.
"Indirect requests and Theory of Mind", SIBI Seminars, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, 3 December 2020.
"The development of presuppositions. Preschoolers' understanding of regret and also", (with Di Paola S., Pouscoulous N.), Pragmatics and Acquisition, University of Padua, Padua (Italy), 22 May 2020.
"Come fare cose con le facce", Ciclo di incontri La scienza della faccia, University of Turin, Turin (Italy), 22 May 2020.
"The development of presuppositions. Preschoolers' understanding of regret and also", (with Di Paola S., Pouscoulous N.), Sinn Und Bedeutung, University College London, London (UK), 8 September 2020.
"Ficta and their Properties: a Matter of Co(n)text", (with Voltolini A., Barbero C., Enrici I.), AISC 2019, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy, 11-13 December.
"Jerk and the Strong Contextual Felicity Constraint", (with Cepollaro B., Stojaniovic I.), SEFA 2019, University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain), 21-23 October.
“Some words are mosquitos in the night. Literalness in metaphor interpretation” (with Di Paola S., Mazzone M.).), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“Indirect Speech Acts in High Functioning Autism” [poster] (with Mazzaggio G., Di Paola S., Marocchini E.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“The ERP signature of presupposition triggers” [poster] (with Reinecke R., Di Paola S.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“Pragmatic Abilities in early Parkinson's Disease” [poster] (with Baraldi MA, Di Paola S.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
[Invited] “Pragmatic Competence”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 24 May.
“Processing presupposition across the Lifespan”, Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference , Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 26-28 June.
“Bastard and the Strong Contextual Felicity Constraint” (with Cepollaro B., Stojaniovic I.), XPRAG 2019, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK), 19-21 June.
“Indirect Speech Acts in High Functioning Autism” (with Mazzaggio G., Di Paola S.), XPRAG 2019, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK), 19-21 June.
“Performing orders”, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli studi di Milano, 10 April, 12:00-14:30.
with Mazzarella D. “Ad hoc presupposition construction”, SFL - Società italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Università di Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 25 Gennaio.
[invited speaker] “Illocutionary potential and Gender Bias”, Centre de sciences cognitives, Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 13 December.
[accepted] “Aging and presupposition”, SPE – Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, Barcelona (Spain), 15 December.
“Ad hoc Presupposition Construction”, AISC 2018 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, IUSS, Pavia (Italy), 15 December.
[invited speaker] “Testing the Causal Theory of reference”, LLC – Center for Logic, Language and Cognition, Turin, Italy, 15 November.
[con S. Di Paola & N. Poscoulous] “Multiple Factors in the development of metaphor comprehension”, 2nd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference, 30 Maggio - 1 Giugno 2018 – IUSS, Pavia (Italia).
“Illocutionary potential and Multimodal Communication”, Workshop on Speech as Action, Trieste, Italy, 8-49 November.
[con D. Mazzarella] “Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication”,ESPP 2018 – 26th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of Rijeka, Rijeka (Croazia), 10-13 Settembre 2018.
[con S. Di Paola] “The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions”,EPICS VIII - 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, University of Seville, Seville (Spagna), 2-4 Maggio 2018.
[Invited] with Diana Mazzarella “Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication Processing across the Lifespan”, ZAS – Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany), 17 April.
[Invited] “Speech Acts and Gender Bias”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 26 March.
[poster]: “The Aging factor in Presupposition Processing”, CUNY 2018 – 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, UC Davis, University of California, USA, March 15-17.
[invited speaker]: “The time-course of presupposition”, Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy, 4 December.
[invited speaker]: “Speech acts, facial expressions and gender bias”, Department of Philosophy, University of Milano San-Raffaele, Milano, Italy, 19 December.
“Performing orders”, AISC 2017 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 14 December.
“Against a pragmatic account of presuppositions”, AISC 2017 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 15 December.
“Presupposition accommodation. An ERP study” (Filippo Domaneschi, Paolo Canal, Viviana Masia, Valentina Bambini, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri) [poster], 30th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Boston (USA), 31 March.
“The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions” and “The Processing Costs of PSPs Accommodation” [posters], 7th biennual Experimental Pragmatics Conference, June 21-23, 2017, University of Cologne, Germany.
“The Cost of Context Repair: Presupposition Accommodation”, Workshop on Contexts in Philosophy – Paris, June, 20, 2017.
“Speech Acts and Facial Expressions” (Filippo Domaneschi, Marcello PAssarelli, Carlo Chiorri) [poster], 30th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Boston (USA), 31 March.
“The processing costs of PSP accommodation” [invited speaker], University Potsdam, Department Linguistik, Potsdam (Germany), 31 January.
“The on-line and off-line processing of presuppositions” [invited speaker], Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire sur le Langage, le Cerveau et la Cognition, Lyon (France), 16 January.
“Negative polar Question Types in English” (Maribel Romero, Anja Arnold, Bettina Braun, Filippo Domaneschi), NELS – A47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society, UMASS Amherst, 14-16 October.
“Facial Expressions and Speech Acts”, AIC – Artificial Intelligence Conference, New York City (USA), 16 June.
“Testing the Causal Theory of Reference” & “Facial Expressions and Speech Acts”, Network Annual Meeting, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), 19-21 June.
“Mitigation Markers in the British Medical Journal” (Claudia Caffi, Filippo Domaneschi, Manuela Mariani, Daniele Stancampiano, SilviaIerardi,Laura Bonelli) , Workshop on Certainty and Uncertainty in Biomedical Scientific Communication, University of Genoa, Genoa (Italy), 27, April.
“Experimental semantics and theories of reference”, Workshop on Experimental Semantics”, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (Poland), 22-23 April.
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Prosodic realization of verum focus in English polar questions”. 38th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Konstanz (talk).
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Syntax and prosody of negative polar questions”. Workshop on ‘Questions, Answers and Negation’, ZAS Berlin (talk).
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Aren’t you sure you want to check your own bias? Realization of contradictory bias, certainty and ownership in negative polar questions”. Annual Meeting of the Priority Program 2016, Tubingen University (poster).
“The production of Polar Questions. An experimental approach”, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università Milano Bicocca, Milan (Italy).
“Bias in Polar Questions”, AISC 2015, University of Genoa, Genoa (Italy), 12 December.
[invited speaker], “Speech Acts and Speakers’ Commitment”, Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici, Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy), 25 November.
[poster], “Bias in Polar Questions”, SLE2015 Workshop on Experimental Pragmatics, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden (Netherlands), 2-5 September.
[invited speaker], “Biased Yes/No Questions. A pragmatic and phonological characterization of polar questions”, ZAS – Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany), 8 July.
[invited speaker], “Presuppositions”, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 8 April.
[invited speaker], “Bias in Polar Questions”, Department of Linguistics – University of Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany), 8 January.
“Processing presupposition triggers”, Intercultural Pragmatics Conference 2014, La Valletta (Malta), 30 May.
[invited speaker with C. Penco] “On Presupposing”, Institute of Philosophy, London (England), 9 May.
[invited speaker], “The Reality of Processing Presuppositions”, Centre for Languages and Literature – Lund University, Lund (Sweden), 16 May.
“Triggers, Failure and Cognitive Load”, XPRAG 2013: 5th biennal Experimental Pragmatics Conference, Utrecht (Netherlands), 4- 6 September.
“Processing Presupposition Triggers”, 21st Annual Meeting of Eureopean Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Granada (Spain), 9-12 July.
[invited speaker] “Presuppositions: trends in the contemporary debate”, IALS – Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics, Lugano (Switzerland), 25 June.
“Presuppositions from an experimental point of view: cognitive context vs objective context”, 10th SIFA National Conference – The Answers of Philosophy, Alghero (Italy), 12-15 September.
“Experimental Pragmatics: propositional attitudes and presuppositions”, 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, King’s College London, London (England). 10 -12 July, [accepted].
[invited speaker] (with Carlo Penco) “Appropriateness Evaluation, Beliefs and Presuppositions”, Workshop on Belief Attribution, University of Parma, Parma (Italy), 11 May.
“An experimental approach to propositional attitudes towards presuppositions”, Pragmatics Reading Group, University College of London, London (England), 22 February.
“Understanding synaesthetic metaphors”, Sinestesia 2012 – Congreso Internacional sobre sinestesia, ciencia y arte, University of Almeria, Almeria (Spain), 18-19 February, [accepted].
“Experimental Pragmatics: presuppositions and context”, AISC 2011 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 1-2 December.
“Patterns of sharing”, ECAP 7 Seventh European Conference of Analytic Philosophy, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan (Italy), 1-6 September.
“Towards a normative epistemic account of presupposition”, PhiLang2011 – Second International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Lodz (Poland), 12-14 May.
“Metaphors and multi-figurative sentences”, Conference on Metaphor and Communication, Cagliari (Italy), 12-14 May, [accepted].
“Presuppositions and acceptance”, 9 SIFA National Conference, Padova (Italy).
“Understanding metaphors”, SIFA Graduate Conference – Bologna 2009, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 30 October.
[INVITED SPEAKER] "The dark side of language. Slurs and context", John Cabot University, 5 Feb 2025, Rome (Italy).
[INVITED SPEAKER] "Expressive and descriptive content in ad-nominal constructions", Workshop Expressive galore!, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 16 Dec 2024, Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany)
"Expressive Content Across Syntactic Realizations", IGG - Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, IUSS, Pavia, 21-23 February 2024, Pavia (italy)
"Anticipating the f***ing referent: An eye-tracking study on the role of Italian expressive adjectives during sentence comprehension", 10th biennial meeting of Experimental pragmatics, 20-22 September 2023, Université Paris Cité, Paris (France).
"Processing negative expressive adjectives", AMLAP - Architecture and Mechanism of Language Processing, 31 August -2 September 2023, San Sebastian, Spain.
"Pejoratives in language comprehension", Slurring terms across languages (STAL-2023), Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
"Anticipating the f***ing referent", 18th AISC Conference, ROvereto (Italy), 15 December 2022.
[INVITED SPEAKER] "How to Express Expressive Content", Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Oslo (Norwey), 5 Dec 2022
[KEYNOTE SPEAKER] "Comprendere i maledetti espressivi", XXII Congresso Internazionale AITLA - Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, University of Naples L'Orientale & University of Naples Federico II, February 9-11, 2022 postponed to 4-6 May 2022
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the semantics of negative expressives, 47° IGG - Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Università di Catania, Catania, Italia.
"Predicting the f***ing word: an eye-tracking study on negative expressive adjectives", ELM - Experiments in linguistic Meaning - 18-20 March, UPenn (USA).
"Scatolinguistica: epiteti, intenzioni e contesto" , Accademia dei Concordi, Rovigo (Italy), 8 Oct 2021.
"The semantics of negative expressives" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), Moscow HSE Pragmatics Workshop, 31 Sept/1 Oct 2021.
"The semantics of negative expressives. Experimental data" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), 1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference, 15 June 2021.
"Understanding Indirect Requests" (with. E. Marocchini), Workshop on Context 2021, 18 June 2021.
"Expressive content. An experimental study" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), Pragmasophia, Noto (Italy) 13-16 June 2021.
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the semantics of negative expressives" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), XPRAG Wine Gathering Seminar – Hosts: Nicole Gotzner (University of Potsdam) & Ira Noveck, (Université de Paris CNRS), 10 June 2021.
"Literally a jerk. An experimental study of the meaning of expressive and evaluative terms" (with. I. Stojanovic, B. Cepollaro), GLIF Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain/Catalonia), 18 february 2021.
"Indirect requests and Theory of Mind", SIBI Seminars, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, 3 December 2020.
"The development of presuppositions. Preschoolers' understanding of regret and also", (with Di Paola S., Pouscoulous N.), Pragmatics and Acquisition, University of Padua, Padua (Italy), 22 May 2020.
"Come fare cose con le facce", Ciclo di incontri La scienza della faccia, University of Turin, Turin (Italy), 22 May 2020.
"The development of presuppositions. Preschoolers' understanding of regret and also", (with Di Paola S., Pouscoulous N.), Sinn Und Bedeutung, University College London, London (UK), 8 September 2020.
"Ficta and their Properties: a Matter of Co(n)text", (with Voltolini A., Barbero C., Enrici I.), AISC 2019, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy, 11-13 December.
"Jerk and the Strong Contextual Felicity Constraint", (with Cepollaro B., Stojaniovic I.), SEFA 2019, University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain), 21-23 October.
“Some words are mosquitos in the night. Literalness in metaphor interpretation” (with Di Paola S., Mazzone M.).), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“Indirect Speech Acts in High Functioning Autism” [poster] (with Mazzaggio G., Di Paola S., Marocchini E.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“The ERP signature of presupposition triggers” [poster] (with Reinecke R., Di Paola S.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
“Pragmatic Abilities in early Parkinson's Disease” [poster] (with Baraldi MA, Di Paola S.), 2019, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 19-20 September.
[Invited] “Pragmatic Competence”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 24 May.
“Processing presupposition across the Lifespan”, Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference , Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 26-28 June.
“Bastard and the Strong Contextual Felicity Constraint” (with Cepollaro B., Stojaniovic I.), XPRAG 2019, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK), 19-21 June.
“Indirect Speech Acts in High Functioning Autism” (with Mazzaggio G., Di Paola S.), XPRAG 2019, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK), 19-21 June.
“Performing orders”, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli studi di Milano, 10 April, 12:00-14:30.
with Mazzarella D. “Ad hoc presupposition construction”, SFL - Società italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Università di Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 25 Gennaio.
[invited speaker] “Illocutionary potential and Gender Bias”, Centre de sciences cognitives, Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 13 December.
[accepted] “Aging and presupposition”, SPE – Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, Barcelona (Spain), 15 December.
“Ad hoc Presupposition Construction”, AISC 2018 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, IUSS, Pavia (Italy), 15 December.
[invited speaker] “Testing the Causal Theory of reference”, LLC – Center for Logic, Language and Cognition, Turin, Italy, 15 November.
[con S. Di Paola & N. Poscoulous] “Multiple Factors in the development of metaphor comprehension”, 2nd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference, 30 Maggio - 1 Giugno 2018 – IUSS, Pavia (Italia).
“Illocutionary potential and Multimodal Communication”, Workshop on Speech as Action, Trieste, Italy, 8-49 November.
[con D. Mazzarella] “Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication”,ESPP 2018 – 26th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of Rijeka, Rijeka (Croazia), 10-13 Settembre 2018.
[con S. Di Paola] “The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions”,EPICS VIII - 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics, University of Seville, Seville (Spagna), 2-4 Maggio 2018.
[Invited] with Diana Mazzarella “Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication Processing across the Lifespan”, ZAS – Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany), 17 April.
[Invited] “Speech Acts and Gender Bias”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, 26 March.
[poster]: “The Aging factor in Presupposition Processing”, CUNY 2018 – 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, UC Davis, University of California, USA, March 15-17.
[invited speaker]: “The time-course of presupposition”, Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy, 4 December.
[invited speaker]: “Speech acts, facial expressions and gender bias”, Department of Philosophy, University of Milano San-Raffaele, Milano, Italy, 19 December.
“Performing orders”, AISC 2017 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 14 December.
“Against a pragmatic account of presuppositions”, AISC 2017 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 15 December.
“Presupposition accommodation. An ERP study” (Filippo Domaneschi, Paolo Canal, Viviana Masia, Valentina Bambini, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri) [poster], 30th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Boston (USA), 31 March.
“The Aging Factor in Processing Presuppositions” and “The Processing Costs of PSPs Accommodation” [posters], 7th biennual Experimental Pragmatics Conference, June 21-23, 2017, University of Cologne, Germany.
“The Cost of Context Repair: Presupposition Accommodation”, Workshop on Contexts in Philosophy – Paris, June, 20, 2017.
“Speech Acts and Facial Expressions” (Filippo Domaneschi, Marcello PAssarelli, Carlo Chiorri) [poster], 30th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Boston (USA), 31 March.
“The processing costs of PSP accommodation” [invited speaker], University Potsdam, Department Linguistik, Potsdam (Germany), 31 January.
“The on-line and off-line processing of presuppositions” [invited speaker], Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire sur le Langage, le Cerveau et la Cognition, Lyon (France), 16 January.
“Negative polar Question Types in English” (Maribel Romero, Anja Arnold, Bettina Braun, Filippo Domaneschi), NELS – A47th Annual Meeting of North East Linguistic Society, UMASS Amherst, 14-16 October.
“Facial Expressions and Speech Acts”, AIC – Artificial Intelligence Conference, New York City (USA), 16 June.
“Testing the Causal Theory of Reference” & “Facial Expressions and Speech Acts”, Network Annual Meeting, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), 19-21 June.
“Mitigation Markers in the British Medical Journal” (Claudia Caffi, Filippo Domaneschi, Manuela Mariani, Daniele Stancampiano, SilviaIerardi,Laura Bonelli) , Workshop on Certainty and Uncertainty in Biomedical Scientific Communication, University of Genoa, Genoa (Italy), 27, April.
“Experimental semantics and theories of reference”, Workshop on Experimental Semantics”, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (Poland), 22-23 April.
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Prosodic realization of verum focus in English polar questions”. 38th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Konstanz (talk).
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Syntax and prosody of negative polar questions”. Workshop on ‘Questions, Answers and Negation’, ZAS Berlin (talk).
Arnhold, A., B. Braun, F. Domaneschi & M. Romero. “Aren’t you sure you want to check your own bias? Realization of contradictory bias, certainty and ownership in negative polar questions”. Annual Meeting of the Priority Program 2016, Tubingen University (poster).
“The production of Polar Questions. An experimental approach”, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università Milano Bicocca, Milan (Italy).
“Bias in Polar Questions”, AISC 2015, University of Genoa, Genoa (Italy), 12 December.
[invited speaker], “Speech Acts and Speakers’ Commitment”, Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici, Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy), 25 November.
[poster], “Bias in Polar Questions”, SLE2015 Workshop on Experimental Pragmatics, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden (Netherlands), 2-5 September.
[invited speaker], “Biased Yes/No Questions. A pragmatic and phonological characterization of polar questions”, ZAS – Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany), 8 July.
[invited speaker], “Presuppositions”, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy), 8 April.
[invited speaker], “Bias in Polar Questions”, Department of Linguistics – University of Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany), 8 January.
“Processing presupposition triggers”, Intercultural Pragmatics Conference 2014, La Valletta (Malta), 30 May.
[invited speaker with C. Penco] “On Presupposing”, Institute of Philosophy, London (England), 9 May.
[invited speaker], “The Reality of Processing Presuppositions”, Centre for Languages and Literature – Lund University, Lund (Sweden), 16 May.
“Triggers, Failure and Cognitive Load”, XPRAG 2013: 5th biennal Experimental Pragmatics Conference, Utrecht (Netherlands), 4- 6 September.
“Processing Presupposition Triggers”, 21st Annual Meeting of Eureopean Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Granada (Spain), 9-12 July.
[invited speaker] “Presuppositions: trends in the contemporary debate”, IALS – Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics, Lugano (Switzerland), 25 June.
“Presuppositions from an experimental point of view: cognitive context vs objective context”, 10th SIFA National Conference – The Answers of Philosophy, Alghero (Italy), 12-15 September.
“Experimental Pragmatics: propositional attitudes and presuppositions”, 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, King’s College London, London (England). 10 -12 July, [accepted].
[invited speaker] (with Carlo Penco) “Appropriateness Evaluation, Beliefs and Presuppositions”, Workshop on Belief Attribution, University of Parma, Parma (Italy), 11 May.
“An experimental approach to propositional attitudes towards presuppositions”, Pragmatics Reading Group, University College of London, London (England), 22 February.
“Understanding synaesthetic metaphors”, Sinestesia 2012 – Congreso Internacional sobre sinestesia, ciencia y arte, University of Almeria, Almeria (Spain), 18-19 February, [accepted].
“Experimental Pragmatics: presuppositions and context”, AISC 2011 – Italian Society of Cognitive Sciences, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 1-2 December.
“Patterns of sharing”, ECAP 7 Seventh European Conference of Analytic Philosophy, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan (Italy), 1-6 September.
“Towards a normative epistemic account of presupposition”, PhiLang2011 – Second International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Lodz (Poland), 12-14 May.
“Metaphors and multi-figurative sentences”, Conference on Metaphor and Communication, Cagliari (Italy), 12-14 May, [accepted].
“Presuppositions and acceptance”, 9 SIFA National Conference, Padova (Italy).
“Understanding metaphors”, SIFA Graduate Conference – Bologna 2009, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 30 October.